Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Humpty Dumpty

Well an early morning visit to a&e wasn't quite what I had in mind for this morning!

Just about to leave the house at 10am for rhyme time at the local library when I hear a scream. I look up to see p with blood pouring down her face and a massive gash on her forehead!! I ran to her and shouted for Mr J (who was luckily working from home). She had been clambering about on the chairs and foot stall, had lost her balance and hit her head on the wall.

Good job we were ready to go out anyway as we all just hopped into the car and sped down to the hospital.

Thankfully the wound is superficial and could be glued back together. It's quite big and deep however so there's a good possibility that it could scar. The nurse that saw us was really nice and gave Peppa a little check up too.

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