Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Massive big fat tummy

No sooner home and picked up the kids than it was a mad dash back into work tonight. Sort of. Maybe. Well, okay, not really. Slap up meal at Granite Park doesn't count as a hardship. Celebration of a project and a thank you to all those involved. My highlight, apart from some gnocchi masquerading as tofu, was being entertained by a slightly merry and harmlessly deranged architect. Turns out we have a lot in common. And not just that I too am deranged. It turns out that architect man is also an ex-Brig O' Donner, right down to the same school and teachers, and, like me, he left Scotland behind for a few years before coming back to make his home here again.

Talking of arriving home, I had to run the gauntlet of feline furballs trying to trip me up through extreme interleg weaving ( mostly done in the dark or on stairs to maximise us stupid humans potential to fall). But then I get to walk through my recently installed, sun powered twinkly archway, which has been blessed by the sacred forest elf kelpies (a.k.a overpriced at the local garden centre), and renders mere muggles momentarily happy.

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