Village Green Preservation Society

It's a sex free blip tonight (after yesterday's shenanigans) so all deviants need read no further. Unless you like weedy sea dragons.

I'm the first to admit I annoy the pants (oops, mild sexual reference) off all my Facebook friends with my "Vote Yes Ya Bam!" posts. And it's no secret that I register very high on the Yes Tourette's spectrum and often resemble an Orange is the new Black netflix cast member when I'm on the Wifeys for Indy stall. But that ain't enough to fill my busybody blowhole. No (yes!) way!

Not even my roles as the world's worst secretary to the granite city's Indy Quines group and the local village's after school club - why be mildly incompetent for 1 group when you can be really bad for two - can assuage my serial inability to say no to volunteering.

There can be consequences. I still recall six year old boys in the middle of the village spontaneously and loudly hailing me from afar as Beaver Lady! Beaver Lady! on a regular basis, much to their parents confusion/alarm/amusement (and ultimately relief when they realised their kid hadn't spied a naked lady but one of their scout leaders).

And as for the last year. Well, I've been a member of the Kingseat Community Association. Not too far off from being a member of the Village Green Preservation society really, except I've not seen much alcoholic gatherings as yet. Still hoping for that. Or even some Jam, Jam would be good, but I'm okay with leaving the Jerusalem aside.

Tonight was a year in and the AGM. I volunteered for another year! I'm a pretty docile member although I'm quietly very chuffed that I wrote the historical introduction to the newly published Kingseat Community Action Plan. I acted all, "whatever!" But like, I was totes chuffed 'n stuff.

And now for something completely different. Dave is watching some elusive weedy sea dragons on the TV. Weedy sea dragons are beautiful. Google them. NOW!

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