On top of the world

Just back from a three day work trip to Glensanda. Look at my last couple of blips if you have time and would like to know more.

Up at 6am and on the top of the ridges above the quarry before 8am. What a fantastic view this morning. Above the clouds the sun was shining and very hot, I watched the mist roll up and down the ridges before finally clearing the primary area of the quarry below me. I was about 600m above sea level with the most fantastic views.

Only the tops of nearby mountains were sticking out of the mist, these included ben Nevis, Ben More on Mull, Ben Cruachan above Taynuilt and the Paps of Jura to the south.

I am not sure I could catch the atmosphere very well in a photograph so maybe you will need to use a little imagination with this one

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