A Farewell Meal

Been a good World Cup start to the day ... we can watch the last games live first thing in the morning. What a goal by Messi (Argentina-Bosnia). World Cup fever has hit our home, thank goodness.

Some of the ladies from our study group wanted to have a final meal together before we all set off on our holidays, things are winding down here for sure.

Our local Chinese has a special on for Beijing (formerly known as Peking) Duck and oh we just couldn't not pass up on the deal. So off we went to enjoy a delicious Chinese meal, think I might have to go back there a few times before the deal runs out ... Any excuse to have Peking duck!! So glad I live here.

Ben had his last GCSE today and has been out most of the day celebrating. He has officially finished school for the year, Jon has to still keep going till 27/6.

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