Coast to coast

Walked from Marizion to St Ives today via the 'St Michaels Way' route. 12 miles of going into fields and not being able to find the route out??!!! We’ve probably walked more than 12 miles??

Had to stay on my lead for a lot of the walk because the fields were full of cows/horses/sheep....................... And I can’t be trusted not to go chasing!!!

Had a great walk though and I managed to find loads of streams for wallowing. What a beautiful sunny day it has been.

When we got home I flopped straight down for a snooze. I was so exhausted I couldn’t even be bothered to eat my dinner.

The humans went straight out onto the sun terrace for a glass of wine and then went into town for dinner at 'Ocean Grill'. Peace and quiet for me.

Ann’s come home now. Time for bed. Yay!!!

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