Living room transformation

I love Saturdays. Saturday is the day that Ann works all day long and I spend the day with my very lovely dog sitters Christian & Lynda.

Christian usually comes and gets me late morning. I always make sure I have a good snooze before he arrives because he takes me jogging and then I get to play in his garden all afternoon.

Anyway this morning I was in the middle of my snooze when Ann's friends, Simon & Matt, turned up. Simon said, 'Molly, I've got a lot of jobs to do for Ann so we're going to leave all our tools here and set up a table for pasting wallpaper so we need to move the furniture.'

Well, Simon & Matt are two of my favourite people so do you think I just sat calmly and watched them? Of course I didn't. I was so, soooooooo excited. They were trying to move the sofa and I kept jumping on it and trying to kiss them.

Anyway, after they'd got all their stuff organised they just left. They didn't even pat me on my head or give me any treats! When Ann leaves me she always pats me on my head, gives me a couple of biscuits and says, 'Be a good girl, I'll be back soon'.

Soooooooooo I continued my snooze until Christian came to get me.

...........................Ann's just brought me home and Simon has been here all afternoon working wonders. He has:

Wallpapered a wall
Built two IKEA coffee tables
Put up a new curtain rail because the old one fell down all by itself
Fixed our wibbly, wobbly toilet seat obviously the toilet is not in the living room!

Simon we love you. Thank you soooooo much. xxx

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