
By Eilatanfoto

The bear gets it!

Its an odd thing...

I have 3 degrees, a couple of diplomas, several certs, I project manage training initiatives & lecture in compliance & risk management at Bachelor level, so you think I'd remember that I HATE SCHOOL!! (& please make no mistake here, hate is the appropriate word). I can think of nothing worse than doing assignments and concentrating on "important readings" when I could be doing.....well anything else other than that!

Why the rant you ask?

I've just found out that I have successfully completed my Grad Cert... & I'm celebrating no more assignments. Thing is, I know in a couple of months someone will say, you should finish your masters....and I'll consider it, then look at the expression on this bears face and remember that feeling of relief that I didn't have anymore assignments that would get in the way of living....

Can you believe they actually let me teach!!

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