All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

On the way to School

Today was Ethan's third and final settling in session at school. As it was a beautiful morning again, he "scootered" it to school again. Funny how I can run up there in 5 minutes but with Ethan and a scooter in tow it takes more like twenty minutes!

He seemed to have a good hour and half there. However he told me afterwards that although him and his friend Logan had started off sitting together, the teacher had to move them because they kept talking. Oh dear!

Foreveryoung dropped Eden off with me at lunchtime as I was babysitting her for the afternoon. While Ethan was at nursery, Eden and I watched her mummy and daddys wedding DVD, I taught her the Gay Gordon and spent ages doing and redoing her hair (she kept changing her mind about how she wanted it)!

She came with Ethan and I to his football class. She was happy enough watching him through the glass panels in the doors, then they both went into soft play for a bit afterwards.

Granny and Grandpa usually stay overnight with us on a Thursday evening. However they are away on holiday just now so it's a different routine this week. I thought Ethan might have been upset but he seems to have taken the news that they're not coming and that he's going to nursery for a full day tomorrow instead, in his stride.

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