All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Spending his money!

Today was Ethan's 2nd settling in session at school. We walked up this time, Ethan with scooter in tow. It's a MUCH slower walk when he is with me!

I hadn't realised that I had to leave him there without me today. He seemed happy enough about this though as 3 of his nursery pals were there too. So I went home for just over an hour, before walking back again to get him. It was playtime when I arrived, so the 4 nursery parents stood outside and blethered for a bit, while we watched the kids playing.

We then went to the shops as Ethan wanted to spend the £5 his Granny had given him at the weekend . I had tried to persuade him to save it, but no , he wanted to buy a toy! It was a hard lesson for him to learn how little he would get for that amount. But we found some Ninja Turtle Lego reduced to £4.99 which he was thrilled with. He even did a brilliant job of building it by himself later in the day.

It was strange taking Ethan back to nursery in the afternoon, having been at school in the morning. Really are coming to the end of an era!

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