
By CanonEyes


I'm still messing about with the bird feeder.
Despite being a very clever fellow the Magpie can't figure out how to get at the peanuts. I guess my judicious positioning of the twig perches has him stumped. I've no doubt that he'll come up with something ingenious. The sparrows just ignore him and gleefully raid the stash when he's gone.
My youngest son bought me a photography course for Fathers Day. It's 600 euros worth but he got it at a discount. He is a clinical photographer and has been both surprised and impressed by some of my shots. However he obviously feels that there is room for improvement. Sigh.... back to school again.
Last night was the first full moon to coincide with Friday 13th for 14 years and it will not happen again until 2049. Heard that on the weather report at 11.50 pm. Started snapping from my bedroom window but by midnight the moon had hidden behind a large tree and my chance of a blip for today was gone.
I created a new blipfolio for the occasion.

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