
By CanonEyes


I caught my first blue tit today. Normally the little beggars are too fast for me and the shots I did get are not as sharp as I would like. Still, it's a start.
Anyway, while sitting patiently observing the comings and goings around the feeder I noticed something very interesting.
One sparrow would perch on the tray and throw (not drop) about a dozen peanuts onto the grass below. Then he had a little snack himself before joining his cousins who were happily munching on his gifts. This happened several times.
I only managed to get one shot of it actually happening, forgive the blur, he was moving, or I was.
I'm going to redo my 'Where's the Birdie Blipfolio' over the next hour or so, and I'm off now to find a song to link.

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