
By Isabel

The night before Gala Day...

Tomorrow is the 40th Anniversary of Strathaven Gala Day, and the town is hoping for good weather!

For those who live elsewhere, Strathaven Gala Day is the day when the local children and their parents, and various local groups and societies, and anyone who wants to join in, (and their aunty!) choose their theme and parade through the town in various costumes and vehicles. It is great fun and money is raised for various local charities.

The event centres round the Gala Court... There is the Gala Queen, this year the lovely Sally Morrison, and her entourage...

Those families who have children lucky enough to be chosen to take part in the Gala Court have both privileges and responsibilities... There are hospitality responsibilities, and also a responsibility to decorate your property to reflect your child's position....

Daisy lives round the corner from us and clearly comes from an artistic family! This sign is one of many around her garden!

Wishing Daisy a very special day tomorrow.... x

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