Fresh air and rest!!

A change of plan for us today, as our neighbour got a last minute slot for cataract surgery and we took her in to Cambridge. It was warm and sunny so we went to the Orchard Tea Gardens at Grantchester to occupy our 3hr wait.

A light lunch, a recline in the deckchair to read a book, a wander down to the river to stretch my legs and back, before a nice cup of tea and a piece of carrot cake. All of which filled the time perfectly.

I captured this pair of dragonflies / damselflies on a plant in the edge of the river. Not sure of the details, may be a common blue, but will look it up after we have had supper. If anyone knows at a glance and can tell me I will be most appreciative :0)

I have had to crop this as I couldn’t get any closer without falling in!!

PS I think that this is a Banded demoiselle damselfly!!

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