More Summer.

Friday 13th AND a full moon. This is the day I have offered to have 3 extra children for a sleepover.

What a lovely day it has been. Espressini first thing for one of their new breakfasts. OMG. It was 'andsome.

Onto Gylly Beach with Red's class. We had various things to do to find the key for Josh Wallop's treasure chest. MrRoly arrived at lunchtime with pasties for Red and I. More 'andsome.

Home to prepare for the sleepover. We had planned to take them to the fair but it didn't open at 4 as I'd dreamed up but at 6!!

We consoled 5/7 of the children with McDonald's, then sent 2 down to Belly Timber to get their own pizza, 2 off to Beavers and 2 off to the fair by themselves!!!

All dispatched children are now safely returned and in a darkened playroom, watching Cloudy Meatballs 2 and stuffing themselves with popcorn, Pringles and Maltesers.

What could possibly go wrong now?!

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