
With all the rain we've been having this summer there is water flowing in places that are usually dry.

Today I saw a stoat (Mustela erminea) in my garden. There was a great commotion among the house sparrows that nest in the big clump of cabbages trees. I looked out of the window and saw the stoat running across the lawn and it went over the bank. An angry crowd of eight or ten sparrows circled and fluttered above it, making a tremendous racket.

It is a pretty little animal, but totally unwelcome. It preys on birds, their eggs and chicks, lizards and mice. They are considered to be responsible for several of our native bird species becoming extinct. They are a threat to kiwi and other ground or tunnel nesting native birds, none of which live here, but obviously the sparrows thought it was a threat.

One year ago- one of my favourite poppies from last year.

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