
By Cr055ie

More than a Hobby!

Spent a nice day with Mum again whilst my Dad went fishing. Felt a little sad for him, he caught the biggest fish he has ever caught, breaking his landing net handle into the bargain, and no one was there to record the event so no pics. Other fisherman saw it and can verify his story of a 12 pounder, but it would have been nice to record it for posterity. Maybe his luck will run like mine and now he has done it once, he will do it again.

After everyone had gone out for the evening, I took Charlie for a run on the beach which we both enjoyed, but apart from yet another beautiful picture of him, I still had nothing worthy of being my blip for today. I dropped him off at home as I didn't want to leave him in the car, it may have been 7.30 but it was still too hot for him to have been left, and where I decided to go he would have needed to be on his lead which make taking photographs difficult. Not impossible but very difficult.

Well what a fruitful trip.. A Hobby did a flypast for me and I got a couple of distant shots, still in awe I stood a while then went to sit on a viewing platform to preview what I had got, and could not believe it came back. I got a few half decent shots, but they could have been better. It then flew behind me less than six feet away and I have to admit to feeling a little worried about it. I could clearly see the length of those talons!!! It was actually too close to get my camera refocused to get the shots. Never mind, I will got back at a similar time and see if I get lucky again. I am kind of guessing that it may be nesting quite nearby.

Still smiling to myself I carried on with my walk and spotted what I believe to be the flower bud of a bee orchid - definitely a shop for a future blip one it's in full bloom.

I felt the title of this pic was really apt. Dad's hobby is fishing, mine is photography, and I do seem to capture a lot of birds which could make me a birder!!! Then obviously the bird in the photograph is a Hobby! So four hobbies in one x

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