From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Nearly time to take on the world!

What a day! I am sat here writing this earlier than normal and am seeing stars. It was just one of those days where there was no time to turn around as it was just constant hassle from people with access problems or queries.

I was quite pleased when Tesco Man arrived so I had a few minutes enforced break. It was one of the younger, cheerful ones and as I was planning to pluck up the courage to use him for my blip today, I was quite happy. I even had my camera ready on the windowsill.

I asked him if he was looking forward to Thursday or whether he wasn't into football as a bit of small talk. His eyes lit up and he told me he was a Birmingham City supporter. 'Oh so you aren't into football at all!' I declared. Birmingham City were celebrating not being relegated earlier this year. So yes, it was established that we were definitely looking forward to the start of the World Cup on Thursday.

The disaster happened after I'd signed the screen for my shopping and was about to pick my camera up. I couldn't believe it when a massive furry bee the size of a potato floated towards me. This was almost a repeat of a bee episode a few weeks ago. I stepped back and said 'I didn't order that!' (as before) and slammed the door in the bee's furry face and also unfortunately straight in Tesco Man's smiling face. There was an 'Owwww!' and 'He's gone now!' when I quickly pulled the door open. He was rubbing his nose and insisted he was fine. Needless to say, I didn't ask if I could take his picture then. Well I couldn't! I was dying of embarrassment! He drove off quickly probably keen to get back to the store to have me added to a 'dangerous customer' list and I slunk back inside. Horrors!

A little later, one of the DBA Team sent an email to our office saying there were 12 countries left in the World Cup sweepstake asking if anyone wanted a go. I was straight in with a reply and was told that the team names would be sent out later. When the list was sent out I whooped and nearly cartwheeled round my front room. I got Brazil! If there are any Brazilians out there (or people with a Brazilian), I apologise now for probably giving the kiss of death to the host nation. I'm not known for my good luck! Oh well, to have the host country as your team may be the start of happy times ahead?

By the way, even though I have Brazil, I can't wear yellow! I look awful in yellow as it clashes with my gingery hair. Also, yellow attracts flying ants. It's true!

I hardly took any pictures today, too traumatised I think! It rained a lot too. Hopeless picture taking day.

Go large!

Track? Can you believe it but I forgot to order milk from Tesco this week? Fed up! I need to get some tomorrow but at least it helps with today's musical bit - No Milk Today

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