
Who on earth would pay £90,000 for a car??? ...................Ann’s friend, Steve, that’s who!!!

Today we got a lift in Steve’s big posh Range Rover. I think Steve thought that I could go in the boot.......................... But honestly, the boot was so high up, (that even though I’m a supersonic little collie with tremendous jumping skills), I’m not sure that I would have been able to jump high enough to get into the boot.

Ann said I could sit in the foot well, which gave me an opportunity to look at all the gadgets the Range Rover has. It does all sorts of things at the touch of a button.

Boys and their toys and all that!!!

Ann says there’s nothing wrong with the 'Fiat Qubo' that we’ve got. I can jump into the boot easily and the boot is my own private little space in the car. Our back doors slide open so that Ann can throw all the shopping on the back seat. And she sits almost as high up in the driver’s seat as she would in a Range Rover. What more does anyone want?

Thanks for the lift Steve. It certainly does feel luxurious in your car. In fact the Queen travels by Range Rover doesn’t she? And I like to compare myself to royalty!!

However if Ann had a spare £90,000 she’d buy a house, obviously not in St Ives as the house prices here are exorbitant, or a fleet of Fiat Qubo’s so that she could start a car hire business. OK, she probably wouldn’t buy another Fiat Qubo because she's still really angry with Fiat due to what happened in January.

The excitement of being in a £90,000 car has worn me out. Lying zonked out on the rug now!!!

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