
The weather today has not been good. So Ann was pleased that she'd made the most of the sunshine and drunk copious quantities of wine on her sun terrace last night!

When Ann came home from work this afternoon she said, 'No relaxing today Molly; I have lots of jobs to do. You can come with me to B&Q and then we'll go for a mooch around 'Paul' because we've never been there before.'

'Paul' is a pretty little village in between Penzance & Mousehole. I got blipped beside the village stream (that was a great place for a splish, splash, splosh), the village church and the village cemetery. Ann decided to use the picture of me in the cemetery because she found it very odd that the cemetery was so big. Either there's a lot of dead people in 'Paul' or the cemetery is used for all the surrounding areas??!!

However, Ann is a 'grumpy old woman' tonight.

Most of the time living in Cornwall is lovely but the disadvantage is a lack of shops. Penzance B&Q didn't have the particular type of paint that Ann wanted and neither did Colenso's; the local DIY shop. And his motto is - 'if we've not got it, you don't need it?!!' As a matter of principle she didn't buy all the other things she needed in B&Q so now we're going to have to go to B&Q/Homebase in Pool which is at least an hour round trip. Grrrrr.................

Also, Ann has got a very sore back. She thinks she's pulled a muscle or something. It's been sore since Thursday when she flew back from Krakow and a 'big fat man' sat next to her on the plane. Because all his flab spilled over into Ann's seat she had to sit at a funny angle and now she's suffering. Grrrrrrrrr......................

Anyway apart from all that everything is hunky dory.

There'll be no wine drinking on the sun terrace tonight. Ann has got lots of 'domesticated chores' to do so I'm just going to have a snooze and keep out of her way.

Happy Monday Night Blippers. x

To see Peckhill Wood - Cornish P62 - Look here.

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