The best laid plans...

I like to keep my kitchen and bathroom clean and tidy (to varying degrees of success) but apart from that I do live in a bit of a clutter. The living room is full of books and CDs, pairs of boots and shoes, bits of hardware and pretty much anything that's in daily use. Upstairs, my bedroom is full of clothes, segregated into 'ironed' (hung up nicely) and 'not ironed' (in piles).

Today, I thought I'd have a bit of a sort out but I was immediately daunted by how much there was to do, so I made a list, which, in my experience, is always the best thing to do when you have too much to do. I was just sipping a coffee and thinking about actually making a start when Dan reminded me that I was supposed to be driving him up to a friend's house near Sedbergh.

It's a good twenty minute drive up the Lune valley to get there and rather than than travel all the way there just to turn back again, Abi and I decided to have a mooch around Sedbergh, which is where I took today's photo. After that we headed home and work began on the list in earnest, Abi happily helping me with some of the chores, which was a lovely chance to hang out and have a chat.

By twenty past six, the list was complete apart from writing a couple of blog posts, so I went for a swim and then drove to see the Minx, where I did my writing in her company while having a glass of wine. Perfect :-)

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