
Dan and Abi both go to Scouts on a Monday night. This week the troop was testing out homemade boats. These were not full size, thankfully, but about the size of a shoebox and largely fashioned from plastic bottles. Trying them out in a bath would have been a bit dull and the river a little too unpredictable, so they headed out to the tarn at Kitridding.

If you're ever in the area, there's a farm shop at Kitridding with tearoom/restaurant, which serves excellent food. They also have this tarn, which I think they fashioned themselves around the time of foot and mouth. (I do know the owner, so I will find out the full story at some point.)

Thus I dropped the kids off at the prescribed time, dashed back across to Whoop Hall, had a swim followed by a bite to eat, and was still back in time to pick them up at eight-thirty. Not that they were ready (Scouts always seems to overrun), so I mooched about for a bit with my camera, trying different settings and various views of the lake. This was about as good as it got :-)

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