
By briocarioca


The bank guards are on strike, and have been for ages. That means dozens of people milling around near the ATM machines, but only allowed into the bank itself to deal with administrative matters - the guards are not allowing any cash transactions inside.

Yesterday, an attendant told me the bank would be opening half an hour earlier, to allow for cash transactions before the pickets arrived (we saw some decidedly belligerent muscle-men turn up one day last week). Along with many others, I trooped down there this morning and waited in the preferential queue with all the other oldies. I was impressed by this man's profile and plucked up the courage to ask if I could photograph him (missing my turn in the process, but was allowed in next). He was pretty puzzled, but agreed - and I felt a bit of a fool, but here he is.

Nearly missed the street market. Arriving as everyone was packing up, I bought 14 bananas, 6 large persimmons, 2 large pineapples, 4 mangoes, 4 pawpaws, 2 lettuces, a bunch of watercress and another of parsley and chives, 5 tomatoes, a package of runner beans and a broccoli for R$ 26 - approximately £8, or US$ 13. Can't really complain....!

Seems half of Brazil is on strike - everyone jumping on the bandwaggon in the hopes employers and the government will give way to get things settled before the World Cup.

In the afternoon I visited friends who have a talent for living in high places. On arriving here, they found a quirky house in a charming square in Santa Teresa, then for practical reasons, moved to Copacabana, to a road I didn't even know existed. Way up high and with a spectacular view. The parents are two British journalists who have loved everything about Brazil and immersed themselves in popular culture (Carnaval, street parties, the beach, everything), together with their two little children. Alas, they'll be returning to Britain after the Cup, because there simply isn't enough interest in Brazil in the UK to keep them gainfully employed here. We'll really miss them.

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