Hellcat - news and views

By hellcat2009

Monday blues, bad news

Ah, the dreaded call came today- we have an infestation of ofsted inspectors arriving tomorrow. I feel pretty resigned about it- I will be observed and judged while teaching a class I have only taught for 4 days prior to them arriving; I'll at one point in the day have half of someone else's class in with me due to a pre-arranged special event going on; I have no input in planning this term as the meetings take place on my 'day off' and frankly there are no targets in the books because last lady didn't do them and I am just getting to grips with the class before I can set any! Have had to spend whole evening typing up stuff for tomorrow, my head hurts and I'll be in school early tomorrow to do some more. Oh, and was asked last minute to do the morning assembly!! Am in bed finally at just before 11. Not good when you anticipate being woken at 5 by a grizzle monster!
Having had a good moan, I must say that I did expect this- I predicted that knowing my luck the long overdue visit would happen, not during my pregnancy or years maternity leave, but when I went back with a good dose of baby brain and a crazy class!
What will be, will be. Just hope I can hold it together and at least teach well tomorrow.

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