CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Nice to come home to

After a week away we came back to find that the garden is absolutely full of flowers which are in full bloom. The roses are looking beautiful as are so many others but the one which caught my eye is this purple and white flower. We think it may be some kind of primula/primrose but are not really sure. If there are any of you out there who recognise it please let me know.

My mind is still full of images of Lewis - but thanks to Blip and wifi I captured so many of them with my camera and was able to share them with you.

I am also reading 'The Blackhouse' by Peter May, the first part of a trilogy set on the Isle of Lewis, which is so much more meaningful since I have been to so many of the places described in the book. If you want to get a flavour of the Island, either before you go or if you have been - I recommend you get the book.

Thank you for all the supportive comments while I was away, I will get back to commenting on your Journals soon.

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