All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Color Me Rad

It was race day today again for Ethan and when I'd initially signed up for Color me Rad back in February, it hadn't occurred to me to take Ethan along with me. However a few days ago he asked if he could do it too. Despite the fact it's a 5k and the furthest he has done before is a 2k, I thought we'd give it a go.

What I hadn't anticipated though was how many people were doing the event, and the traffic chaos this would entail! The event was at Ingliston and it was impossible to get to! We were still sitting in the car, not moving, at 9.20am, which was when our wave was starting! So, Ethan and I got out the car at Gogarburn and started walking. 40 minutes later we finally arrived so joined a later wave instead. I was worried he'd be too tired to take part, having already walked a fair distance. But he did brilliantly! He managed the whole course without once asking me to carry him, with a mix of running and walking. Half way through he announced "this is the most fun race ever" as he was loving getting bombared with the paint bombs along the route!

The main problem I had afterwards was that I didn't have a phone with me (the charger died last night and my battery was dead) and I had no way of contacting hubbie. I'd arranged to meet him back at my work at Edinburgh Park - if I'd had a phone I would have called him to come down and get us as the traffic was better by now. But I didn't, so I started walking - with Ethan on my back! He had to stop for 3 pee breaks along the way, but apart from that I was carrying him the whole way. Just past Gogarburn again, I remembered there was a tram stop so we walked up there. I then discovered the ticket machine only took coins or cards - all I had on me was a £10 note stuffed in my bra! A lovely lady waiting there realised my dilemma and gave me two pound coins to buy a ticket - but the machine kept rejecting one! I wasn't sure if I could buy a ticket on the tram or not but got on anyway to find out - fortunately I could and Ethan was thrilled to be going on one at long last! It was only for one stop and then we got off and ran over the road to my work.

Once back home, he flopped a bit and wanted to watch Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and play on the ipad. It was still a glorious day outside but none of us really had the energy to do anything else!

Over to the Foreveryoungs for dinner and Ethan's weekly sleepover. Back home and overtime for me. I'm really ready for bed now!

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