39 years ago

If she had lived, my Swedish S would have been 66 today. We lost her when she was only 42. In this old slide we're ready to embark on an 8000 mile three week journey from Massachusetts north to Niagara Falls and onward west to Colorado via the TransCanada and various US interstate highways. We alternated camping and cooking outside with a night here and there in cheap motels. Gas was probably about 55 cents a gallon and my blue 1973 Saab 99 was up to the challenge, only blowing her muffler in Arizona. We limped and coasted(you couldn't hear the radio or talk) back to Denver where we had it repaired for the trip home. The most incredible campsite was at Lake of the Woods in Canada. It was a starlit night, an absolutely gorgeous evening in a small green tent by the water, totally unforgettable. The Grand Canyon, Rockies, Painted Desert and sights too numerous to list, playback in my memories. I have slide trays filled with photographs taken in those years with my old SLR, a heavy, lovely brass bodied 35 mmTLS 401 Ricoh. It went with me absolutely everywhere after I received it as a college graduation gift in 1971. Of course I still have it.

S left us all through tragic and absolutely horrific circumstances, but our love of her lives on through our interconnected-ness with our Swedish family. I have blipped many memories of her here last June 8th and others since I joined Blip 1498 days ago.

Rest in Peace, Suzanne we miss you.

For the Record,
This day came in warm and sparkling. it was a bit too warm for good sleeping conditions last evening!

Lots of oriole shots today. They are busy sunning and shopping for their babies.

All hands healthy

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