Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal


Early start this morning, as it’s down to Peebles for my first ever Triathlon. Only a sprint one to start so a 750m swim, 20K bike ride and a 5K run.
In between each discipline you head into a transition area where your bike and running stuff is kept. Here is one of the lanes of bikes being laid out by the competitors.
Went down with a minds eye of getting around in under 1:45 with a hope of doing more like 1:30.
Had a bit of luck with the swim, as there were only 2 of us in our lane in my swim heat. Made the swim a bit easier. Had a good swim and an OK bike section. Run was hard work but still managed to keep to 5 min per K pace.
Finished in 1:27:15 according to the official time. Happy with that.
Back home to catch up on some blips, have a rest and start packing for holiday before watching the GP tonight.
This will also be my entry on the theme of TRANSPORT.

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