The comfort of familiar

Walked Ted down out old familiar path which is very overgrown at the moment, very happy to be out walking again.

Feeling better again today but today I will have my hair cut mega short as it is falling out badly now and looks like a birds nest. Lisa is dreading it, I am dreading it but it has to be so it was done, I don't like it but it looks ok (if you like that sort of thing), the wig looks fine but itches, the scarves look ok too......but my scalp is very tender indeed.

Thanks to Lisa, my brother and Matthew for supportive and kind comments on a day when I still don't feel like me and now I don't even look like me either. My Nephews were so good to, at 10 and 14 it's quite a lot to take on board.

Now all I have to do is muster the courage to go out and about and that will be another hurdle done and on to the next one!

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