Passing Muster

It was the Nishinomiya City Elementary School Sports Day today. Many schools from across Nishinomiya City competed in running and jumping events. Arthur ran in two races; the 400 meter relay and the 100 meter sprint. He came fifth in both events but that's OK, he gave it his all and we can't ask for more than that. He passed muster.

I passed muster too. In the morning I went to see Valerie having a lesson at school as today was the school open day. Last year she was not happy to see me there because I wore a pink pedometer on the belt of my trousers. So, before she left for school, I asked her if what I was wearing was OK. She said it was very good. Her exact words were, "I like your fashion and I like your face." Just one problem, though - my magnetic pink necklace. So I took that off while I was at school and put it back on for the Sports Day.

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