You put your right leg in......

Early start again, can't grumble as they are both soooo good at going to bed.
We were all dressed and ready to go swimming by 8:30, not bad, especially when you consider we didn't need to head out till 9:15.

Grandma met us at the pool, she sat with William whilst Charlotte and I went into the pool. Charlotte amazed me again with her water confidence and swimming ability. Think grandma was impressed too.

Headed home from here, Charlotte slept. William drank milk. Grandma arrived having gone into Malvern. Lunch consumed and out into the garden.

Charlotte insisted that grandma took her shoes and socks off and got into the pool! Great fun had in the garden. William enjoyed chilling in the bouncy chair, he has a blanket over him as he only had a bodysuit on (just in case someone wonders why on earth he has a blanket in this weather).

More water play with her car needing a wash.

My godfather came over for the afternoon, lovely to see him and catch up on life. Charlotte took a while to warm to him but then happily played / chatted and bossed him about. Dropped him back at the trains station. Think a train trip will be on the cards soon.

Both children in bed asleep, daddy gone out for his shooting end of season meal, corrie on the telly, tea cooking - happy days x

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