Come fly with me

Getting to bed at midnight and Wom wanting milk at four didn't bode well to a happy me this morning, mix into that a horrid summer cold, my mood was black.

Munchies mood wasn't much better and after us both grumping about getting ready for ballet we managed to get there, enjoy it and go to the croissant shop on the way home.

Dark clouds rumbled in again.

Somehow got to lunch with us all being friends and plans made to go out. Munchie said she wanted to go and pick strawberries, so we did. Left phone at home. Grrrrr. Had lollies, Wom at all of mine.

Popped round to take Sarah and Duck thankyou wobble juice and strawberries for babysitting last night. Munchie had great fun with duck.wom was just happy to chill.

Sleep is needed tonight, in massive quantities.

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