
By intothehills

Nettle Patch

Having spent some time in our local nature reserve one of the things that struck me was just how beneficial the wildlife trust say that nettle patches are.
Taking this in mind, and then allowing for just how annoying our neighbour (on one side at least) is - I decided that I'd let the hedgerows 'do their own thing' this year - to be honest if you make sure you've got long sleeves on near them they look quite good - wild and flowering - and they've added some density which isn't too bad vis a vis the annoying neighbour.
I did intend to put up a blip of the hedgerow - but one of the main benefits the wildlife trust said was the attraction for butterflies - and whilst I was out with the camera who should come and settle on the vegetable plot next to me but this fine chap - so blip was amended accordingly.

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