Paying for summer

The garden is covered in roses at the moment, it is just beautiful. You do have to be selective where you look though, many areas are overgrown and overrun with weeds. This years new addition, creeping buttercup, quite pretty but is everywhere. Will said he liked long grass because it looks more natural. Anything for my boy, I will keep a natural garden from now on.....

Today I have paid for a week in Brittany, a ferry crossing, a camping trip, a passport for Will and a washing machine. I say pay, obviously that credit card free money. Summer holidays sorted though and an end in sight from mopping the flooded kitchen floor every morning. I celebrated this last fact by leaving the tap running while chatting to my neighbour down the road. The kitchen floor has really never looked so clean.

What a beautiful Friday evening. Why does it have to rain all day tomorrow?

Oh and I was looking through some old blips and saw this.. That exciting new project? I have now moved passed the raging fury stage and have settled for bitter acceptance. See how well I can see into the future!

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