From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Pissed off pigeon...

I awoke at 4am this morning to the sound of someone tap dancing outside my window. That's the trouble with leaving the window open on a stuffy night; if it rains the water bounces off my sill from the leaky guttering above. I went to the bathroom as the sound of that water..well you know. Trying to wake up again from a deep slumber less than an hour later was agony!

Can someone please tell me to go to bed no later than 11pm?

Work was the usual thing with a couple of minor problems with reports cropping up but nothing that could be sorted after a bit of twiddling about.

Tesco Man came soon after ten. He was another one I'd never seen before. He might have been a different fellow but came out with the same question 'Any old bags?' I didn't say anything. I just felt like an ancient old bag...

I'd won a case of Burning Shore beer by Well's Bombardier after retweeting something on Twitter last week. That arrived soon after Tesco Man had gone and my spare Kindle charger - I'd left my original one in Ayr at the weekend - arrived from Amazon soon after that. It was a useful day to be working from home.

Today's picture was a very fed up pigeon. It isn't Lucky, but one of his friends looking extremely annoyed with the chattering kids behind him when he is trying to enjoy a quiet lunch. I'll call him Eric.

Go large!

Track? Some Fleetwood Mac today - Go Your Own Way

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