wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

A day late ..........

I feel like the white rabbit. I am a day behind but I have an idea for mono Monday so I will be back in a bit.

I am leaving these too late I fell asleep while writing this.
Thank you

I bought my fitbit. I am a fitness fool.

I am measuring my steps and getting in shape. I have a goal for a trip to a far away place and some mean mean man said I need to get into shape. No seriously I want to hike and enjoy it so........ Off the couch on to my feet and voila
Over 7000 steps yesterday.
My ultimate goal? 20000. Looks like I will be walking to Illinois in July.
I worked in my garden from 1:30 to 430 today.
That is a lot of work. I needed a something tall and created an urn with pink geraniums, vinca and petunias I wired it to a metal base. It looked so awesome

And then ............it ...........slowly...........fell. I ran across the yard.......not in time. And it broke the urn. Dad said" there's a blip" Everyone's a comedian.
So I picked it up and planted the seat of the garden chair. I won't be sitting in it as I am getting in shape.
I was also told I was old yesterday by the same mean man.
I am going to his country and run rings around him and look fabulous
But not in my pink sneakers. I was told customs won't let me in the country with them.
I will smuggle them in.
Watch out.

Oh and I did not tweak this color. It is what it is. What? You would expect less?

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