Swallows at Annandale Water (Backblip)

We arrived at Johnst0wn, north of Lockerbie in time for a quick drink before dinner. Our room was roomy and comfortable but I'm still feeling a bit below par so couldn't do justice to the lovely dinner. However my spirits rose considerably at the sight of the busy Swallows creating their skillfull nests in the corners of most of the bedroom windows.

After breakfast - a last full Scottish for T (Mr McGregor wasn't too impressed when T asked him for a full English, bet that tipped the vote!!!) and a much lighter one for me! we visited the lovely town of Moffat where we bought some gifts for AnnieBScotland who we headed northwards to visit before continuing on our homeward journey.

We found you in good spirits Annie and enjoyed being able to sit out in the sun for our visit. After you had your stroke nearly a year ago I always said I would try to make the journey to see you. I'm very glad we did and hope that you continue to make good progress. You are such a brave lady and a fighter. It was lovely to meet you.

I could have posted a photo of you but I know you like birds, so this little Swallow is for you.

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