Day 6 - Hougharry, North Uist

What a difference a day makes.
Overnight, the wind howled, and the rain beat down on our wee tent straining at the guy ropes. Inside we were snug but had no inclination to get up and out into a North Uist Sabbath this morning.

This is the weather of Wee Frees, precentors, Gaelic psalms and a dour outlook.
On a day like today, there seems little to be joyful about.

His Lordship and I, suitably clad in wet weather gear, braved the low mist and wind borne drizzle to find this blip of a boat moored on a lochan just off the road.
We were assailed by oyster catchers and lapwings eager to distract us from their nests. We trod carefully lest we trampled on any nests, or the lovely purple red marsh orchids nestling amongst the buttercups.

Later, a visit to the old cemetery above the campsite seemed somehow more appropriate on a day of mist and gloom than a beach walk into the teeth of the gale.

We are going to dine out tonight at a nearby hotel with a fine dining reputation at Langas, the sister hotel to Hamersay House at Loch Maddy which we graced last night.
The day is going to end on a high....... I hope.

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