Drive by
Another glorious blue sky, minus whatever temperature day. Conor, despite a late night, was up from 6ish with his regular <knock knock> "Is it time for breakfast yet?" routine every 15 minutes. I gave in at 7 and made his breakfast. Then I hit on the genius idea of putting the telly on and going back to bed.
Next I knew it was nearly 10. Shocking really, but when I went upstairs him and his sister were happily engaged in imaginative play and had turned the telly off.
That extra few hours sleep staved off the burgeoning migraine and meant I could be a proper parent the rest of the day (she said, frantically scrabbling for a justification for complete abrogation of 7-10am parenting). The migraines, I'm realising, are firmly linked to my habit of catching up with Eastenders on iPlayer in 90 minute chunks. I'm just a sad addict really.
So, the day. Headed off to look for somewhere different to go sledging, but couldn't find anywhere with snow (not North Berwick), parking (not that wonderful looking steep hill by Chesters Roman Fort) and steep hills (not the bits of Gifford and environs that we explored). The shot is a drive by of the church in Gifford. I did want to take a shot of the cars all snowed in outside the pub on the main street, but this'll do. A close shave with a snow plough - who was firmly refusing to move in so we didn't have to drive over a grass verge - sent us scuttling home to the safety of the sofa and an afternoon of popcorn and Monsters vs Aliens.
Made the popcorn in the microwave - not that microwave popcorn you buy, just the normal kind put in a tupperware. Kind of odd really - not sure I liked it as much as the pan kind.
Off now to book entertainment for Conor's birthday party...
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