
By acr83

31 Weeks

Two months to go as of today.

This week has been very eventful with most things we did gradually preparing us for the baby.
We toured our backup maternity ward...
Bought a new four door car. (although, I'll still drive my 2 door day to day. I figure I can handle the small inconvenience of cramming a capsule in there).
I booked us for our whooping cough vaccinations.
My nappy/change bag arrived.
I finished packing my hospital bag.
I washed all the newborn clothes so I can pack up the baby's hospital bag with what he needs.
We had a very informative ante natal class all about labour. I learnt a LOT more than I thought I would.
And, lastly, I finished gathering information for my maternity leave application (being self employed makes the process just a little more painful than usual).

Now to settle in for the final 9 weeks of being inconveniently kicked and jabbed. He is lying sideways for now so I get kicked in the ribs a lot. It is a similar feeling to someone tickling my sides and it always makes me squirm.

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