Hat seller

Again in the old town

Two days ago, just after the blip oddly enough, I was stricken down by the lurgy...quickly...suddenly devoid of energy and snoozing on rocks in the park...and so, apart from one small wander up past the hatman to buy water.....and I admit sit by the side of the road and watch the world go by....whilst feeling the dig and grind of steel toecapped boots across back and shoulders, cramps and a cold sweat...and then a struggle down to the guest house and more sleep....it seems to have all of the symptoms of a dose of giardia, not pleasant but....

And today started with another outrageous thunder storm, has now settled into dull....the clouds are flowing through the nearby valleys, darkened slopes treelined, while glimpses of the higher hills beyond all cast in a hazy blue mountain light...dull, like most things I suppose is comparative....

But feeling a bit less achy, if restless, time to see what energy levels are returned...

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