Day 3- Barra & South Uist

After an incredible sunset last night it was disappointing to wake to a change in the weather, with light rain and a breeze, but our luck held when it all disappeared by 10 o'clock leaving an overcast day, but mild with no wind.

We went along to Barra airport just to see the runway, but as luck would have it a flight came in as we watched, landing quickly on the damp but hard sand with the minimum of fuss in disgorging the twenty or so passengers.
We waited until it took off again, and then made our way to the more prosaic means of transport back to South Uist by ferry.

We paid a visit to this lady en route to our camp site for the night, and found ourselves in an impromptu party when two of her friends joined us for coffee and cake.
She is an actress, having appeared amongst other things in 'Take the High Road', an erstwhile Scottish soap, and the Gaelic programme Machair, but also the inspiration for a character in one of the books in Peter May's Lewis Trilogy.
What a lady, we've never had so much fun for ages.

The day continued well as we managed to pitch our tent in the furthest corner of the camping site without recourse to bad words and frayed tempers. It helped that there was no wind or rain.

We have found Internet access at a hotel in Dalabrog and are keeping our fingers crossed that we will not return to our tent and find a huge campervan has decided to park right next door to us.

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