Different Bird Box, Blue tit and Day

I have dithered about putting this shot up, it's not clear but it is showing the blue tit carrying the white sack of waste out of the nest.

The nest box from yesterday's blip and this one face each other and are about 100 feet apart with trees in between. The opening to this one is facing north and placed on the side of the shed - the blip looks darker than I thought - the box from yesterday has the opening facing south and nailed to a tree.

Taken from the internet: british-garden birds
Blue Tits will nest in any hole in a tree, wall or nest box. They are well known for nesting in more unusual places, such as letter boxes, pipes, etc. The nest is a cup made by the female from moss, wool, dead leaves, spiders' webs, and lined with down. Their clutch size is the largest among nidicolous species, laying typically 10 to 12 eggs. The eggs are laid at such a time that green caterpillars will be abundant when the chicks hatch. Second clutches are rare.

Blue Tits feed mostly on insects, especially caterpillars, and seeds. In springtime they feed also on pollen, nectar and sap, and in the autumn on berries. In the garden they search among the plants and crevices for insects (e.g. aphids, beetles, and
caterpillars) and spiders, but also take sunflower hearts or high energy seed from bird feeders, or peck at a suet food bar or peanuts.

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