wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Study in filters

I am trying not to use filters a lot but, this one is really to my liking.
the day started with wearing my coffee. Why drink it when it makes such a successful fashion statement?
It was jeans day so I made it work. I am good like that.
There have been three hysterical things happen to me today and I can't tell them because of hippa. Someday I will write a book.

On the band front:
We now have 4 songs done for the new cd. We recorded 11 and Dan Dan our dobro man is mixing them.
Every time he finishes one we all listen and we are so excited. They are good. I was actually paid a complement by someone who had never heard me before. I think you say it like
"I was chuffed"
Wait is that the right use?
I did call a friend of mine who went to boarding school in England to see what that meant. I think I used it correctly.
This will be a fun week. My band is singing Thursday night at Blue in Portland. Saturday we are going to sing at the Crystal Springs Farmers market. I hear it's going to rain. I might have to wear the mink. 40 degrees F (4.4C) in the rain is very cold. I am thinking thermos time and fleece lots of fleece.
I am now headed off to sleep. Ok I'm lying. I just downloaded a new book and am ankle deep in it.
Tomorrow all giggles I promise.

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