Cake is allowed....

Happy 31st Birthday Alexander!!
Perhaps I little too early (7:30?) I delivered a pot of book coffee & a huge candle topped vanilla slice in celebration.
Ferguson delivered birthday greetings before scampering off to play in his bedroom.
Evie came & lay with Alex beside the birthday candle for what seemed like an age & still didn't deliver her Dad with birthday greetings. As I half predicted, that was met with some disappointment - understandably - especially after both Marley & Gracie wished him such greetings as soon .they entered the bedroom.
I was glad that he was pleased with my gifts (including an atomiser, framed butterfly, (more) aftershave, a bread making course, some books, of course!) & equally that they all arrived in time for a change!
After a quick shower & dress we headed out for a farm breakfast. A full fry up for the birthday boy & seeing him struggle made me more pleased with my humble sized bacon butty.
Ferguson chose jam on toast - I do like that boy's "old school" food tastes!

The birthday evening was my treat & surprise and I booked a table for us at Gaucho- an Argentinean type steak house.
He was pleased & was in raptures over this meat.
I was glad that it was a nice day for him. Birthdays are meant to be special.

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