Birthday Bear

Today was Alexander's 30th Birthday
It was quite exciting! I love birthdays! I drew a celebratory message on the kitchen chalk wall & with the assistance of Ferguson, I delivered him breakfast in bed (kind of) accompanied by his super gifts.
They were all received well, & surprisingly the Glastonbury foil print I got him as a semi conciliation for the one he left behind in Sale ended up being the exact same one!!
The Paris trip was a unexpected surprise, as was the vintage globe, crate, cafetière, books..
His family came & we all got dressed up in our finery & went out for a lovely "posh" meal.
Once back home, my home-made raspberry peek-a-boo cake & the Champagne I got, served as a pre-bed celebration.
Was all quite low key which, bless him, was perhaps a teensy disappointment but its nice to have your family around, especially when you have a big friends night out & weekend away planned.

Happy 30th Birthday Alexander Bear...xx

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