An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Bug's Life...

The results of the nerve conduction tests I had on my hands about 8 weeks ago are in. They’ve confirmed I have moderate to severe carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand. Saw the consultant today (along with a medical student who looked about 13!!!) and he recommends a minor operation to (hopefully) cure the problem. Of course once he’d gone through all the possible risks I wasn’t so sure it was worth it. After chatting for a bit longer I decided to go ahead with it.

The nurse I saw afterwards mentioned there’s about a 9 week wait for the op and on the way home I realised that’s going to fall in or around our holiday, our 25th wedding anniversary and Alan’s 18th. Going to phone the consultant’s secretary in the morning to see if I can postpone it till the end of August.

Stepdad John here for tea tonight so only had 5 mins to think about blip. Quick trip into the garden for some inspiration when I saw these critters on one of the climbing roses. I’m assuming they are greenfly. Any advice greatly received.

Blipping late again. Hope to have a proper blip catch up tomorrow :-))

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