
By Kiteseeker

York City Race

On a beautiful clear morning orienteers from around the country converged on St. Sampsons Square in York. Both the start and finish was in the square and the courses headed out to the south and east of the centre. The weather brought out the runners and it was one of the highest ever entries.

I am pleased to report following the rather severe pruning the trees in Parliament Street seem to be recovering (see photograph).I really enjoyed my run with key route choices to avoid being the wrong side of the bar walls and zig zagging over the river Foss. Finally heading back through the Snickelways with fun names such as Nether Hornpot Lane to the finish.

I have to admit to an advantage with York being my home town! My Mum worked in the Midland Bank on Parliament Street (before the HSBC take over). During the construction of the new bank I was lucky enough to sit on the scaffolding to watch the Queen when she visited York in 1971 to celebrate York's 1900th anniversary. As a school child in the city we were given specially struck medallions to commemorate the celebrations.

Well done to my club EBOR for organising another great event.

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