
By Kiteseeker

Human Hamster Balls

No rest day after a busy weekend. We were up and about early to greet the joiner who has worked like a Trojan all day rectifying the flooring in the bathroom. I left Richard in charge as I joined friends in Scarborough for lunch and a catch up.

The weather was not quite as bad as forecast but a walk along the North Bay Sea front could be described as bracing! Families on a half term break who had rented the colourful beach chalets were huddled under towels and blankets determined to make the most of being by the seaside!

As we walked through Peasholm Park on the way back the miniature railway was running which a number of us remembered riding on as children. Likewise the water chute is still drenching its customers after years of service. However, the boating lake now sports a more modern activity of inflatable spheres which seal in the person before being inflated and then launched on the lake.

As ever it lots of laughs in really good company.

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