Sums up the Day

We had a storm blow through today dropping lots of rain and sleet on the city and snow on the hills and mountains. There was sun mixed it as well and it has been very cold. Looks like it may have all past and they we are in for a very heavy frost tonight and dropping down to -5c.

This is another one of my polyanthus growing in my garden. I didn't feel like going out so took this shot form my door way. Blue have always been my favourite colour for flowers and just love seeing them in the garden.

The Meaning and Symbolism of blue flowers

Blue flowers hold a special significance in the language of flowers and apparently given their long standing popularity a special place in our hearts as well. Whether it’s the deep blue petals of an iris or the light blue lace of hydrangea, the wildflower beauty of blue star anemone and commelina or the dramatic arch of blue delphinium, blue flowers offer a cooling antidote to our over stimulated lives and anxious days.

A colour that is known to hold universal appeal, blue plays a significant role in many cultures’ religious rituals and ceremonies. It’s said that the Western tradition of a bride wearing something blue is tied to the colour’s symbolism of faithfulness and loyalty. In its dark, regal tones, blue can express trustworthiness, confidence, intelligence and unity, which explains why it’s frequently the colour of police uniforms, why the blue “power suit” is an icon of the business world and why winners of competitions receive blue ribbons. And yet, in its softer hues, blue can embody the uplifting spirit of a sunny sky or soothing ocean – perhaps explaining why so many of us choose blue flowers when we want to send a message of calming beauty, tranquillity and peace.
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